Monday, June 10, 2013

How Cancer Works

After my surgery, I needed to do a bit more research about melanoma and cancer in general. I knew there was always the possibility of it coming back, but I wanted to find pure facts that I might use specifically for myself; something that fit my criteria. For most people that have never had to deal with cancer, whether it was a self battle or helping a loved one, there are some misconceptions about how cancer acts once you've been diagnosed. Instead of bombarding you with another wall of text scrambled with medical jargon, I will leave this xkcd comic, which succinctly illustrates what you really go through.

Image used courtesy of XKCD

1 comment:

  1. Great illustration!
    The part that resonates most with me as a partner/caretaker is the "first signs"... every single ache and pain receives extra scrutiny.
