Tuesday, July 30, 2013

End of Week 5

Well, here we are. Five weeks down, only one left to go. That's seven days. 14 doses.

Not much is different. I think my rash has toned down where it's not quite as red anymore, although you can still see raised bumps along my skin. The itching is still (almost) non existent, but I will still find myself scratching at spots. I just can't say whether it's the rash or a natural itch. Much of my skin is dry, so I am trying to space out when I take showers. It sounds gross, but it helps keep my skin moisturized when I know I'm not leaving the house.

The joint pain is still a bugger. It hasn't increased in intensity any, but it likes to migrate to different parts of my body. For instance, last week my hands were the big issue. Now, my hands are largely free from pain, but my shoulders hurt really bad if I attempt to lift them above my head and back down. Of course, my feet are still sore but that's never increased or decreased.

One thing to note concerns my hair. I've noticed it for a couple weeks, but I didn't want to post anything right away. My wife said something a couple nights ago, so I figured if she noticed without me saying anything it might be worth mentioning. My hair seems to be thinning. It's not falling out in chunks, nor do I notice a huge difference. But I haven't got my hair cut in a while, which usually makes it very poofy during the summer months when the humidity in Georgia can get out of control. Instead it sits flat against my head. I don't know if it's something to do with the Vem, the fact I'm not showering everyday, or the fact I've been using a shampoo/conditioner when I wash my hair. I think it's worth noting.

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