Since updates would be as periodic as they have been, I'll likely post a bit more infrequently. The times I'll likely get on here are:
- After a doctor/hospital visit to let everyone know how things went.
- If something comes up related to the cancer
- When I think of a good post related to myself and how I'm dealing
This is going to be one of those last type of posts. It will kind of go along with the two previous posts I did about how I cope, and more specifically about using humor to stay upbeat.
An in-joke among cancer patients is something we refer to as "the cancer card". This is where you use the cancer to your advantage to get your way. Of course, most people don't use as their own personal pity party excuse; it's mainly left as a satirical way to poke fun at this illness and ourselves. Obviously there are some people that really can't do anything for themselves and need a caretaker, so there are times when we need to be hesitant to use it. But among friends it can be pretty funny.
I thought I'd end out with a quote from Neil Gaiman.
"Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten".
not being a Gaiman fan, i have never heard that quote before, but it is quite powerful.