Monday, September 16, 2013

The In-between Times

I haven't updated in a bit, but I like to keep everyone abreast of things. So, what as been happening recently?

First, my wife and I were able to get away from things for a while and took a vacation. With everything that has been going on, it was nice to just forget about things for a while and have fun. Of course, none of this would have been possible if it wasn't for the generosity of others. A group of friends and co-workers pitched in some money to send us off to Disney World. This took both of us by surprise. We are truly grateful for all of them and what they did for us.

The following week was my second infusion, which I discussed in my previous post. Nothing extraordinary there except.... the congestion. We both must have caught a cold at some point, because both me and my wife were feeling it bad by Thursday. While she got better immediately, something inside me decided my nasal cavity needed to remain closed for the rest of that week and the next. That's right, I went almost a full two weeks without being able to breathe through my nose. I had no other symptoms of illness and took the proper precautions to call the hospital to report it. In the end, I think it went away on it's own. We had tried every OTC medication and home remedy to try and get it to flush out. Finally, it started going away when I took Mucinex. Not sure if it helped or just was a coincidence, but there is my vote.

Finally, just this past weekend I started developing side effects. On Saturday, I noticed some bumpy areas on my inner arms that occasionally itched. Then Sunday I had a... bathroom run. This was all to be expected and we reported it today. The NP said just to keep an eye on things, but everything sounds like it is within normal parameters of what was to happen. Of course, now that we know I could have stomach issues at any moment, it'll be fun planning around bathroom trips.

Other than that, I've just been try to relax a bit and help my wife out around the house when I can. Next week is my third infusion, which may cause the side effects to start manifesting more but we'll wait and see.

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